Saturday, April 30, 2011


Unfortunately, this is what we woke to this morning.

Fortunately, the soccer game this afternoon was cancelled, so I got to lay on the couch all day, wrapped in a comfy, cozy blanket, and watch chick flicks.
(BBC'S "Lark Rise to Candleford:" I am hooked)
Also fortunate was that the guys got to go skiing, and apparently had lots of fresh powder in which to do it.

Unfortunately, the dog ate/scraped/dug a hole in the downstairs carpet.

Fortunately, I am one dog-hole closer to new carpet!

Unfortunately, I found out this week that I won't be able to work at Oakwood next year.
I was kindly (truly kindly) informed that while I am super skilled and a totally awesome teacher, I am completely lacking in the necessary superiority to stay.

Fortunately, I like to read books. I guess I'll have something to do with my time (Right now I'm reading "The Tiger's Wife," and I think it's pretty awesome).
At least until I find the next adventure.

Unfortunately, I don't know what that is.
Fortunately, I believe there is one.


Dana said...

Bummer, I'm sorry. Guess you'll just have to come see me in the middle of the week to make up for it. I'll even hire you. Got lots of kids to teach.

And I will gladly watch any BBC movie with you. And there is a guarantee for no snow.

SladeMomma said...

Or you can come see me. Sorry you don't get to stay at Oakwood. Are you even considering looking elsewhere? To gain that "superiority"? And a little money.