Sunday, January 8, 2012


Dear Mom and Dad,
I know I missed two weeks of writing, but really I have a good excuse: Christmas and New Years. And I did think of what I might write about (and still might, given the right alignment of the universe) the whole time, so that's got to count for something, right?
For example, I knew I would want to tell you about how Lane made us answer Bible trivia questions correctly (he got a deck of scripture trivia cards in his stocking, a perfect gift to answer his request for things to prepare for his mission) before we could open up a present. I would definitely want to tell you that I got to open up a whole lot of presents before Michael did--Ha! I would also want to tell you about the question that asked how many loaves of bread and how many fishes Jesus had to feed the 5,000. I said, "Seven and three," and someone else said, "Eight," and someone else said, "I don't know," and someone else agreed with my answer of seven fish. Then Lane read the correct answer, which was "Five loaves and two fish," to which Joshua promptly replied, "Wow. Jesus is even more amazing than we thought!"
I would then tell you that my children entertain me immensely.
Then, if I were to go on an tell you about our New Year's celebration, I might mention to you about our trip to St. George, sans Lane, who wanted to spend New Year's Eve with a girl, and not with us. I might tell you how perfect the weather was, and how neat it was to watch fireworks dot the valley below us as the clock struck midnight. I would probably throw in a story or two about Lane NOT getting to ring in the New Year with a girl, since the girl he wanted to spend it with was picked up by her dad, just ten minutes before midnight.
So, someday I might share all that. Someday I might even tell you about our first week back to school and work. Some of it has been hard and some of it has been really wonderful. Remind me to tell you about wonderfully answered prayers.
Yes, there is certainly a lot to tell you. I'd better go to bed now to get the strength to do that, sometime!
Good night. Good hugs and loves, too.

1 comment:

SladeMomma said...

And if you were ever to write and tell us all that, I might read it and tell you how much I enjoy hearing all your stories, and how I'd like to just sit around for a couple of days hearing more of them, and how much I miss you and yours. Someday, if the universe aligns just right, I may tell you all that and how much I love you! XOXOXO!!!!!