Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ha! I accidentally posted this when absolutely nothing but the title was written.
Oops. That's kind of funny. (And, Natalie, so was your comment!)

My intentions were to post pictures of our recent trip to St. George (hence, the title), as well as some pictures we took in St. George while visiting there a year ago. I hadn't realized that we'd made it an annual vacation, but it's kind of turning out that way! I don't mind one bit; it's such a lovely place (more so when the air conditioner works, right Lindsay?).

My intentions are still there. Michael's laptop, however, is not. Well, I mean, it's there, if "there" means Island Park, Idaho, where M and the boys are reunion-ing with the Vance clan (I'm going on Wednesday). So he's got all the pictures with him, and I just have a blank blog entitled "Saintly."

As long as I've got you looking, though, let me tell you how saintly I truly am.

Today, as I was walking out after church, I passed a woman I didn't recognize. I did notice she was standing alone, possibly waiting for someone. I just kept going. Suddenly there were words in my head. Some might call that inspiration. But was it? Here, let's replay the moment together:

"Hmm...I don't know that lady. I should probably stop and say hello." walk, walk, walk...

"That would be stupid. She's probably just visiting, and church is over now anyway, and I'll never see her again, so what's the point?" walk, walk, walk...

"Well, the point is to be nice. Are you a friendly person, or not?" walk, door and exit...

"Not." walk...stop

"Or, at least I don't have to be...all the I?" roll eyes at heaven...

"Oh, come on! I already talked to two other new people and invited that one kid to my Primary class and shared my quiet books and, and, and...!" dang it

"Keri, you need to go say hello." Can't ignore that one.

"Maybe I'll be the one who makes her feel welcome? Maybe my words will be just what she was waiting to hear? Maybe my hand of fellowship will be the one that pulls her back from a sea of loneliness to bask in the warmth of womanly companionship?!" turn self around...

"Okay. Yes. I'll do it. I only hope I'm not too late!" walk, walk, walk...faster now...back the way I came...

I found the woman exactly where I'd passed her, still alone, still waiting. I offered up my winsome smile and a happy greeting. And was met by a stone cold wall. She stared at me icily for a moment, and then walked past me in silence.

Where are the words now? Hmmmm?

I suppose, all in all, I'm lucky. Most of the saints I've heard about had their heads chopped off.


Natty said...


Natty said...

Okay, I still say that you are saintly! You listened to the promptings of the Spirit or the rantings of your thoughts ...
nonetheless, you did what you thought was right. And if you lose your head doing what you think is right...that makes it saintly, it my eyes. I miss you, crazy girl!

SladeMomma said...

I wonder what SHE was thinking of this oddball lady turning around, coming back toward her, opening her mouth, saying something inane. Whew, her ride was here.