Friday, March 27, 2009


Remember when there used to be a blog that I updated (SEMI) regularly?

Yeah, me too.

I tried really hard to forget, despite some not so subtle reminders that I was a slacker.

But when somebody actually felt the need to ask today if I had changed my blogging address and was writing elsewhere...I knew it was time to come back.

For now.

It's not like my life has been terribly boring, or anything. I got a new niece (she's beautiful), we had super-fun company, my next show opened, I've done a bit of subbing, I've done a bit of coughing, oh, and I had a son turn 18 years old.

I am no longer telling people that I actually am old enough to be his mother. Because I'm not. Not anymore.

I've been to soccer games and choir concerts, and last night I got to watch three of my lovelies perform a 50's themed number at the "Spring Sing" at our Stake Center (a.k.a. church meetinghouse). It brought tears to my eyes to see someone belonging to me so dedicated to his craft, someone else belonging to me so dazzling to watch on stage, and someone else belonging to me so dang handsome in sunglasses and a black leather jacket.

But, let's face it: boring life or not, I really am a slacker.

So, maybe you'll hear from me again. Maybe you won't.

At least now I know who cares.