Sunday, September 12, 2010


Well, folks. I'm still in the water.

And, WOW, it has been a crazy couple of weeks!

School started.
"Pirates of Penzance" opened (I am, as always, playing second girl from the right...).
Evan went to the temple.
Fall competition soccer started.
Evan had his going away party.
Evan and Lane received their Eagle Scout Awards.
My dad had a bad turn of events and is in the ICU in Colorado.
I got a new responsibility at church.
Evan went into the MTC.
I had a birthday (yes, folks, the BIG FOUR-OH!).
And life didn't slow down for one second!

Some of that has been wonderfully awful. Some of that has been awfully wonderful.
Some of that has been both.

But, if the doggy-paddle counts, I'm still swimming!