This, rather, is the way Joshua walked around our house an entire 3 days after purchasing himself a brand new iPod Touch. Rubber gloves, soft microfiber cloth, and a gentle touch were required by anyone who even attempted to look at his new baby.
These things matter, folks!
The boys and I came home from an afternoon of soccer (what else do any of us do around here?) to find this floral fantasy awaiting me.
"Who'd give you flowers?" one of the boys asked.
"It definitely wasn't Dad," the other replied. "He'd never spend the money."
"I hope Dad doesn't get mad," one of them teased. "Mom's got a boyfriend....Mom's got a boyfriend!"
Well, a) Dad didn't get mad. In fact, Dad didn't even notice that there were flowers in the house until I showed them to him, nearly two days later. (My husband's obliviousness, mind you, is not without its merits. Just think of the outfits, the shoes, the furniture, the new paint colors I have made a part of my world without repercussion!)
And, b), I do have a boyfriend. Two of them, in fact. And I miss them very much, since they couldn't come visit this spring. Thanks, guys. I wish you were here, too.
Not only did I get flowers, but I got a very nice message from somebody on Facebook. I received the notification of the message through my email, and was pleasantly shocked and surprised to have heard from this particular person. I hurriedly clicked on the link and proceeded to read this awesome message. It was so complimentary! It talked about how genuine I am in my performing. It praised my commitment. It highlighted my sense of humor! I was thrilled! First of all, how neat that someone had taken the time to let me know such nice things. Secondly, how amazing that anyone could have recognized all of my awesomeness from just my brief moments on stage--my most recent stint being Woman 4 in "A Tale of Two Cities." I mean, I really do try to be funny, when appropriate, and sincerely committed always. I just didn't know it was reading so well.
Apparently I'm the one who doesn't read so well! After scratching my head for a bit (still filled with immense gratitude, mind you), I looked again at the message and saw that it was actually meant for someone else.
Greg Barnett, if you're out there, somebody thinks you're a genuine ham with commitment issues.
It's okay. Not everyone has to love me. I got a great reminder that God does.
I've been studying diligently for the past few months for the Praxis Exam (no, the Praxis Exam does not require rubber gloves). It's a test for teachers to prove their willingness to do or pay almost anything to keep/get their certification. And I have to pass it by June in order to remain a Granite School District employee. So, I studied. I studied for weeks. I studied for months. And then, as I was studying on the Monday of the week I was supposed to take the test, a sudden realization came to me: I was studying for the wrong Praxis exam.
I looked up. I jiggled my brain and crossed my eyes. I looked back at the study manual, and had the same thought again: I was studying for the wrong test. There are, actually, a million and three different types of Praxis tests, so I ran to the computer and looked to see which one I was registered to take that Saturday. And, yes-in-deedy, I was studying for the wrong test.
I immediately got on the library website and put different study guides on hold (which, miraculously, came in that very afternoon). I searched the Internet for practice quizzes and study helps. And I prayed. I prayed for help. I prayed for guidance. But mostly I prayed to say thank you. I know it was the inspiration of the Holy Ghost which gave me that timely message and changed my course of action.
So, I took the test. I did my best. I'm waiting 3 more weeks to know the rest.
What I do know, though, is that I have been touched by love. I've been reminded that I matter.