Thursday, January 22, 2009


We're all familiar with this, surely. I know my children, at least, should be.

I've tried hard to help them understand the way we should treat others, and that home is a great place to practice it.
Apparently, we've still got some practicing to do...

For example, I fold my children's laundry when I find it left in the dryer.

But I find my laundry like this:

I play nursemaid to the sickies, such as poor Lane, who just had his wisdom teeth removed.

But Lane, upon hearing me cough up a lung, said, "Geez, Mom, it sounds like you're coughing up a lung, or throwing up or something."
"Thanks for not coming to see if I'm all right, Angel of Mercy."
"Yeah, well, I listened. You didn't fall down or anything."

Touching. Typical.

Then, in one beautiful, golden moment, I found this:

An emptied dishwasher,

done by someone other than myself. Yes, golden. Glorious, even.

Of course, as we reviewed for a test today I asked the golden child/dishwasher-do-gooder to give me an example of a comparative adjective.
"Okay," he quickly replied. "I am cuter than you."

Oh, Robert Frost, how well you said it..."and Eden sinks to grief" (otherwise read as, and Keri goes back to business as usual!)...

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