Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Why we come to Colorado:

Quiddler, game 1: lost
Quiddler, game 2: lost
Quiddler, game 3: lost
Fluxx, practice game: won
Fluxx, game 1: lost
Fluxx, game 2: lost
Fluxx, game 3: lost
Fluxx, game 4: lost
SpeedUno, game 1: lost
SpeedUno, game 2: lost
SpeedUno, game 3: lost
Settlers of Catan, game 1: lost
Rummikub, game 1: lost
Rummikub, game 2: lost
Hand and Foot, game 1: lost
Cucumber, game 1: WON!!!

Like the Phoenix from her ashes,
the inner-gamer in me rises once again...
I live to play--and lose--and cry;
tomorrow is another game!

1 comment:

SladeMomma said...

And why I NEED folks to come to Colorado!