Saturday, August 22, 2009


Why we come to Colorado:


My sweet niece is the one and only girl cousin in Colorado.
With 6 boys around even before my 3 show up, there might be times she feels a little left out.

This time we left the boys out! It was no-boys-allowed as we gave each other make-overs.

I'm not sure that the M.A.C. lady made me any prettier.
(She charged me a lot more money, though!)


1 comment:

SladeMomma said...

How did I miss all these latest Colorado postings? Did you post date them?! Anyway, I surely am glad that you came. I also love Ft. Collins, but your posts reminded me of additional reasons that I love it. If you could see the flowers and feel the perfect weather this week you'd be moving here in a minute. Which would make me very happy.