Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The dog ate my doll.
My pristine, beautiful doll brought home from China (thank you, Lindsay) more than a decade ago.
Snarfed. Munched. Mangled.


The dog peed on my music books.


The dog peed (again) on my music books.
And under the piano bench.


And to think that yesterday I had the heady idea that things were actually going better with the dog.

Grrrrrrrrrreat. Not only am I cleaning up a lot of puppy pee, but I am also quite delusional.


Lindsay said...

No words....

Dana said...

and I quote, "If you have to have a dog, Sadie is a really good dog. A really good dog." Cooper hasn't chewed anything but a few shoes...course, in your book, that might be up there with a priceless doll :) So sorry that you have to go through this. Is there a bright side? Yes! Michael will feel really really bad and will send you to me! Right, Michael?

Keri said...

Yeah, well, I told you I was delusional.

SladeMomma said...

How about Michael takes the dog with him to work?

Colin said...

how about i take the dog out to dinner?

yes, i did just say that.