Thursday, July 31, 2008


Not only am I driving with a learner's permit (for operating a motorcycle, if you can believe that!) which I earned the same day that my 15-year-old son got his driving permit,

but I get to wear a retainer in my mouth, just like Lane, too. It was either that, or contemplate paying $1000/crown when my bottom teeth start breaking. I chose the retainer.

I also still have little boobs and plenty of zits. I may never get out of junior high.


jalynnie said...

too funny. you are hysterical:)

SladeMomma said...

Do you have any gray hairs yet? That will qualify you to leave jr high.

Dana said...

You're a mean mom - there's no way you can still be in JR High, boobs or no boobs!

Colin said...

i never want us to grow up. let's stay young and zitty forever!

Amberly said...

keri, danae and winston pass on a big hello to you too! they had fun remembering you, lindsay and dave... hope you're doing well!!

slades said...

Keri, Just read some of your blog. You are so cute, Stay in Jr. high, It maybe better and less stressful than high school. Loved your comments about rudeness, You are right people have lost all civility , It is very frustrating. Aunt Dianne