Friday, October 19, 2007


Boned? No. Breasted? No. Mouthed? Maybe.
Get a load of the conversation this morning with Joshua as I cut his incredibly fast-growing, disgustingly long fingernails. He's the one with the big mouth!

Joshua: Mom, you know how fingernails and hair come from your dead cells?
Mom: Uh, huh.
Joshua: If that's true, and my hair and fingernails grow so fast, does that mean that I am dying faster than you?
Mom: I'm not sure that one thing equals the other, but it does seem unfair that you, being a boy, have hair that grows so fast, and I don't have anything that grows fast. So where do you suppose all my dead cells go?
Joshua: Well, there's always your butt...



SladeMomma said...

Loved the butt jokes, loved Joshua butt comment - smart boy!

lovely laurie said...

Smart, funny boy!

SladePoppa said...

out of the mouths of babes--- usually smart ones!!!

Dana said...

and you encouraged him to speak!