Friday, January 18, 2008


Last night Joshua and I had a date.

(An oh-so-attractive picture of Joshua and me playing our DS Lites together.)

First we went to the ice rink where we were to meet up with the Young Men/Young Women's group and ice skate.

(Cody and Lane performing magnificent feats of beauty!)

Don't worry, I had my book with me and was all set to sit and watch as Joshua slid, sloped, and slewed around on the ice. He, however, decided it was too crowded (we occasionally have to deal with bouts of extreme shyness), and that he would rather go home and watch "Gilmore Girls" (our new-found excitement). I couldn't complain about that.

On the way home we stopped by Wendy's to visit Evan and get some yummy vanilla frosties for root beer floats at home.

I love my husband dearly, but there are times that dating him just doesn't compare with a night out with the boy(s)!


lovely laurie said...

A date with my boys is way more than my little mind can fathom. You are an inspiration to me. Someday I may give it a try--when they are old enough to pay.....

SladeMomma said...
