Monday, July 30, 2007


I just went to the gym wearing two different shoes! It's almost as embarrassing as the time I went to the gym and realized, half-way through my aerobics class, that my T-shirt was on backwards. Yes, embarrassing.

I wore this same combination of shoes the day we traveled to Florida last October. I didn't realize my fashion faux pas until we all had to take our shoes off at the security gate. Lucky me, I got to wear these shoes all week long as we visited the theme parks. I would like to say that I am cool enough to have started a new trend in shoe-wearing...but I'm not. I am, however, duly and truly embarrassed.

As if that weren't enough of a view into my personal life, here are a few more answers to the "Journaling Jar." I meant to do this yesterday, but got a little bit caught up in reading Harry Potter 7...I'm not quite done yet, so please don't spoil the ending for me! Michael already has, in his own innocent way, by telling me that he guessed the ending and someone who has read the book confirmed it. Since he has not read a single page of a single Harry Potter book, it dismays me to think that the ending is that guess-able.

Anyway, on to even more trivial things...

Question #1:
"List each of your Aunts and Uncles, and tell one thing about each of them."
Nope. Not even going to try.
My mom is one of seven children, and my dad is one of 12. All of them are married, which doubles the number, so nope. Not gonna' do it.

Question #2:
"Describe your yard as a child. Did you help your parents with yard work?"
Considering the fact that I never even learned to turn on a lawn mower until just last month, and based on my general dislike of being outside, one can surmise that I did not help my parents with yard work, nor would I be able to describe any of our yards beyond saying that there was some grass growing. I know because I've seen pictures.
I do have one memory of helping in the yard. We were living in Colorado Springs at the time, and my dad was putting in some sort of terracing in the back yard. I remember placing stones with him. I also remember a snake, which may be where my dislike for outside things began.
My only other yard-memory is of my friends and me putting on a show in our backyard. The cement porch was our stage, and we had invited all the neighbors to come sit and watch us perform in our underwear, tights, and white sheets for costumes.

Question #3:
"Do you have a favorite brother/sister? What makes them so special?
Duh. Not going to answer that one either. YOU'RE ALL MY FAVORITE, OKAY?!

Question #4:
"Describe the downtown of your childhood at Christmas time."
Only one clear memory comes to mind: driving down the streets and seeing the big decorations attached to the street lamps--bells, wreaths, reindeer, presents, etc.
At some point my eyesight began going bad and I thought it was so beautiful at Christmas time because all the lights were just blurs of color. I still like to take off my glasses and see the lights like that.

Question #5:
"What was your favorite Saturday activity as a child?"
Watching "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island" while my mom put pink sponge curlers in my sisters' hair. "De plane! De plane!"

De end. Harry is calling.


SladeMomma said...

Didn't you love those stick people cartoons? Anybody who hasn't seen them, go to:

lovely laurie said...

Love you, Keri. Love your thoughts. Love your memories.

Lindsay said...

It's okay. You didn't have to answer but I know I am your favorite!

And don't worry the ending isn't really all that guessable. You'll enjoy it.