Sunday, May 10, 2009


Now, I know there are those out there who detest this day and its tradition of honoring "Mother," but I'm not one of them. Possibly it's because I, myself, have an amazing Mother (thanks, Mom), and it's nice to think of her. It might be because I actually like getting the geranium at church. But mostly I think it's because when else would I get to witness such glorious sights as these?

Michael doing dishes (AND the laundry, I might add).

Joshua and his hand-made creation.

Lane getting me some food from downstairs WITHOUT complaining
(and only 3 reminders).

Evan at the computer. (Oh. I suppose that's an Anytime deal.)

Yes, it's been a lovely day, and it's not even 5 o'clock yet! I can't wait for dinner, and what I can only presume will bring the additional gift of all the men doing the dishes. Oh, what a beautiful sight.

In honor of the day, let me share a few recent, top-rate, choice experiences I've had lately in being a mother to my particular three.

Earlier this week there was a day that I put my make-up on and was actually quite pleased with the results. I'll be honest; I thought I looked pretty.
Not too many moments after this happy discovery, Joshua came into the bathroom, took one look at me and said, "Why do you do that to yourself? You look all bumpy (his word, not mine)."

He then proceeded to dissect my face with his delightful descriptions of my handiwork, none of them complimentary.

Not having any time to rectify the situation, I left for the day. Amazingly, I got quite a few compliments on how pretty I looked.

Not one (other) person told me I looked "bumpy."

Recently there was a happening game of beach volleyball along the sandy shores of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Sorry you missed it.

Lane was one of the players, put on a team with some of God's great handiwork: two bodybuilding models vacationing there on their honeymoon.

After the game Lane asked me, "Did you see that blond girl on our volleyball team?"
"Yep," I replied, "I was there. She was awfully pretty, wasn't she?"
"She was HOT! That is exactly the kind of girl that I want to marry."
"I suppose you could do that, Lane."
"Well, you do have some say in who you marry, so you could probably pick someone really pretty to marry."
"That's good. For some reason I always thought I would end up with some ugly chick as my wife."
"I'm glad you can stop that from happening."
"Yeah. Me, too."

Just for curiosity's sake I asked a car-full of my men what they would do if I chose to stay home to nap and watch chick-flicks instead of going to Farmor's (Michael's mother) house for Mother's Day dinner.
Evan was quick with his reply.

"Of course we'd stay home to spend time with you. Right after we got back from Farmor's."

I feel so loved.

Actually, I do feel loved. If not always by my children, then at least by my Heavenly Father, who gave them to me.
And, if not always loved, at least always lucky. There's bound to be something to laugh about sooner or later!

(i.e. Lane's pink fingernails. I have no explanation.)

Happy Mother's Day!
(Yes, I know one of these boys is not my own, but I'd claim Alex any day!)

1 comment:

SladeMomma said...

I'm a little late, but just want to add how much I love your guys too.