Sunday, August 26, 2007


I have had a very nice day. Nothing in particular happened, but normal can be nice.

We went to church this morning. Lane's friend Cody was the youth speaker, and he talked about his family. He also talked about Joseph Smith and how amazing it is to him that Joseph Smith was his same age when he was touched by a scripture (James 1:5) that changed his life.

That is so interesting to me. The whole age-thing blows me away; not only that a 14 year old boy would be contemplating such things as what church to join, but that he did something about it. And then, after he had so remarkable an answer, people actually believed him (read here for more info.), and they still do today. I have a hard time imagining Lane, who is 14, going to the scriptures for guidance. I have a hard time remembering to do that myself, and I know better! I have an even harder time imagining that I would listen and believe Lane if he told me he had seen God the Father and Jesus Christ. Amazingly, Joseph's mother did listen and believe. That's a very good lesson to me.

Cody's dad also spoke. His topic was prayer. It was very, very well done and I felt inspired to be better in so many ways. One thing that stuck with me from some of the scriptures he read were these "c" verbs: call, cry, continue (Alma 34:17-19), cry and counsel (Alma 37:36-37). I have always liked alliteration, so these words appealed to me. I also like the ideas and feelings that each of these verbs elicits when used in conjunction with prayer.

After Sacrament Meeting I headed over to another ward to visit their Primary. While I was there I chatted with one of the teachers who had her recently returned missionary son with her. I asked him how long he had been home, where he had gone, what he was doing now, etc. I asked him if he would be going to the single's ward, and (this is so great!) he asked me if I went to that ward! I'm telling you, ladies, it's the MAC eyeshadow that does it!

After church I got to read a book (Lindsay's recommendation, "The Samurai's Garden") and take a nap (my recommendation). Is there anything more glorious than that (besides having a 21 year old ask if you're attending the single's ward...)?! Not much. Then, as if my day weren't great enough already, Lindsay and fam came over for dinner. What would Sunday be without our Daniel fix?

After the Daniels left we had a short family council about school starting tomorrow. Man, oh man, are my kids excited! What makes my kids want to get away from me so badly? Don't answer that! Wonderful Michael gave each of the kids a Father's Blessing in preparation for tomorrow. It really was touching. Evan's reaction was the best because he was so excited about Michael's admonition to date a lot! If ever a boy wanted to be obedient to his is this boy right now.

And, if ever there were a great and uplifting day, this was it. Thanks for letting me share.


Lindsay said...

We are so glad that we got to get our Vance fix too. I am so very glad that we do that as often as we do.

SladeMomma said...

I remember the days when beginning a new school year was SO exciting. Now, I'm with you - the excitement level of a peaceful Sabbath is what I crave, appreciate and thoroughly enjoy.