Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Dear sister Dana called yesterday and said something potentially sweet. She began with, "I acted like you today..."

And finished her sentence--dashing all hopes and dreams of my actualization of an exemplary life--with,

"I was lazy."

After rousing myself enough to laugh, I wondered, "Wait! Should I be mad?"
Nah. Too much effort. And besides, I really am.

Lazy, that is (See? I couldn't even finish the previous sentence!). Here is how Dana finished describing her day like Keri:

"I just laid there with my book, letting children crawl all around me, not caring what they did, just as long as I could keep reading."

Yeah. That's me. Just know, though, that my children don't crawl anywhere near me...or at all, for that matter.

Also know that, lazy as I may be, my children are all still alive and thriving (what?! My oldest is a senior in High School this year?! What?!), the laundry stays done (mostly), the floors eventually get swept and vacuumed (that's what chores for children will do for you), Michael gets an ironed uniform and a sack lunch (and a kiss or two) everyday, and dinner does appear on the table more often than not. And sometimes I blog. I'd say I'm pretty darn accomplished.

But that would require too much work.


SladeMomma said...

Oh, my darling, self-effacing, actually-does-alot-of-things-but-won't-admit-it, beautiful, clever and talented daughter, that was too funny!

BTW I have lazy days like you too, except that I listen to the books while I sew or go shopping. Since I no longer have children to crawl around and over me. Thank goodness.

Dana said...

IT WAS A COMPLIMENT! Of course I know your accomplished blah blah blah! I was merely saying I was able to mentally let go and do what I wanted.

Keri said...

Just so you all know, I thought what Dana said to me was HILARIOUS!! Also, I will shamelessly use anything as blog material...especially if it's true, as is the fact that I am, indeed, quite lazy.