Monday, July 6, 2009


Can I tell you just how much I DON'T enjoy having a dog?
No, I cannot. There are no words.

Moving on...

I went to another funeral today.
What a difference a (long and well-lived) life makes.

I attended the funeral service for a lovely lady who lived in our neighborhood. Geniel Hanson lived to be 92 beautiful years old. Now that's a lot of life!

I got to know Geniel from the few months that I thought I would enjoy attending "Daughters of Utah Pioneers" meetings. I didn't much like the meetings, but I sure did like her. It turned out that she didn't live too far away from us, so I got to see her from time to time, mostly when she was out in her yard. This lady sure did like to be out in her yard. Crazy.

This lady also liked to smile. She was always smiling. And I do mean always. I don't think she was crazy, just a little over-come with sun-stroke, I suppose. And happy. It's a good way to be.

Yet another person worthy of emulation. I'm smiling right now in honor of Geniel.
And because the dog is somewhere away from me at the moment.

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