Wednesday, July 1, 2009


While on the way home from Joshua's morning soccer practice today, the young son made some comment about how he hated "versing" one of the other boys.

"Versing?" I laughed. "That's a great word, Joshua. Versing."
"What?" he exclaimed, "What's wrong with it?"

Apparently, and according to Joshua, if you look in any dictionary you will find "versing" right there on the same page as "verse," "versus," and "versatility."

"It's a real word, Mom. You just have to know how to use it."

I lie not. These are all direct quotes.

"And," he went on to inform me, "When you get stuck versing with someone you hate to be with, you have 'verstipation.' It's kinda' like when you have to go to the bathroom and (well, you know the rest)... I was totally verstipated today."

May all your children be as well versed as mine.


SladeMomma said...

Loved that! Wish I could think of a clever verse word to use in response. Sometimes my brain is dull (unlike Joshua).

Anna Crowe said...

What an intelligent, clever kid you've raised! Impressive. Love your blog!
