Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This is what I came home to Saturday night.

This is how it made me feel.
(Although this was taken Saturday at the parade, even before the peace offering...)

All day Sunday, my husband was forgiven,
and the dog was allowed to live.

This is what I woke up to Monday morning.

Sadly, I admit, that red couch really does mean more to me than just about anything else.
And I'm not sure I'm ready to re-prioritize. So, here we go again.

Monday I came home to more Sees candy.
(Thank you, Michael.)

That dog is gonna' make me fat.


SladeMomma said...

How about de-clawing the critter? Unless you really like chocolate. Or Michael is giving you a BIG furniture/floor covering allowance.

Colin said...

i don't think that it's using its claws, mother. it's not a cat.

how about de-jawing the critter?

Dana said...

How about a muzzle? Then you can use it for the boys too! And Michael if he mentions another pet! Love the Peace Lily with the chocolates - can't wait till cute Sadie gets to that too!

lovely laurie said...

NO! Not the couch! The dog stays outside....end of discussion. (That's a BIG period there, not to be mistaken for a small period.)