Saturday, June 28, 2008


Today we three lovelies visited the Adams' family home sites.

Lovely, indeed. Let's look at the houses instead, shall we?

John Adams' birthplace.

And, right next door, John Quincy Adams' birthplace.

Down the street and around 52 corners (at least that's the route our tour took), is Peacefield, or Old House, which was the Adams' family later residence.

We also visited the place where the famous Adams are entombed, the United First Parish Church,

but left before seeing the actual tombs. I'm totally okay with that.

Highlights of the day include:
riding on the trolley.

The seats were made of wooden slats, all polished till they shone--and slid--like glass. The three of us would laugh and laugh as we slid on top of each other, and into other patrons, every time we turned, or slowed, or stopped, or started again on the trolley. We held on to anything possible, but continued to slip and slide all through every ride. No one else seemed to be having the same troubles we were, but then again, no one else seemed to be having nearly as much fun!

Another highlight was:
the library

Built of stone and separate from the house, this library holds over 14,000 books and is a reader's paradise. This library is what Dave should build for Lindsay. This is where Lindsay would spend all her time if Dave ever did build it for her. I would, too!

our tour guide

He was not very happy with us. Now, remember, we were already a little bit giggly from our trolley ride over. But then I was hardly able to keep my giggles under control when he welcomed us to meet the Adams family. I was all right until Dana snapped her fingers.

Next he told us how most museums and houses are just places full of the dead stuff of dead people. Peacefield, he said, is different because it is full of the living stuff of dead people.
I don't think he meant that to be funny. It probably isn't funny, but I just lost it.

I barely had my giggles contained when our guide began leading us into the house with specific instructions to "keep our handbags under control, like this woman (pointing me out) is doing." Good handbag. Very good handbag. It was very well behaved throughout the tour.

Dana, however, was not well behaved, and was scolded by the guide for violating the Patriot Act when she pulled her cell phone out to silence a call. She could have been transmitting important information to the terrorists, so I'm glad he stopped her!

Some of the living stuff of dead people. Don't laugh.


Lindsay said...

Oooh, yes, I want that library! I always thought the Adams home was called Braintree. What's this Peacefield. I'm confused.

Never mind. I googled it. The town was Braintree. Adam named the house Peacefield. Blogging is so educational!

SladeMomma said...

Thanks. I giggled a bunch and enjoyed it.

Laralyn said...

I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who loses it to a fit of giggles on "serious" tours sometimes! Sounds like you had an awesome vacation! I'm jealous!