Thursday, November 4, 2010


I got this note from a darling little boy in my class. It made me smile, because the sentiments are so sweet. It made me laugh, because before finishing his labor of love, the artist/author came up to me, looked me in the eyes and said, "I just want to know exactly what your eyes look like."

Brown marker dots: he got it just right.

I'm trying not to judge myself by the misspellings or, more particularly, the question mark at the end of his sentence.

But today, after finding out that yet another distressed parent wants to come in and observe my class and talk to the principal about their findings, I am putting a question mark of my own on my abilities.

Someone did tell me, though, that I'm conscientious. That's something.

And I do have lovely brown eyes.


Lindsay said...

I'll answer his question. Yes, you are the best teacher, Mrs. Vance! And your brown eyes are lovely.

Dana said...

If you look closely, you can tell the supposed "question mark" is actually an exclamation mark with a hook on it drawn in two stages. In the revised version of the English language that is like a double exclamation mark. Pure excitement is what it means.

SladeMomma said...

The only way to avoid complaining people is to hibernate in a cave. Parents are always the worse part of any job involving kids. Speaking from experience.