Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm a little worried...
every time I go to sit down: corn dog sticks, stinky socks, hidden candy wrappers appear everywhere in the couch. Worse things are on other seats. Yikes.
I'm a little worried...
to see that the boys' bathroom still has soap in the same dispenser that has been there for months. I've gone through three in the same amount of time.
I'm a little worried...
that when I encourage the boys to make wise decisions, they go sledding in the dark. Or build snow ramps off our porch, complete with old trampoline bars for the "advanced track." They did, however, tie mattress pads around the tree for safety. At least there's that.
I'm a little worried...
that to each male in this house, snow=donuts.
I'm a little worried...
that donuts=inhaled snack. Two dozen down in two minutes or less.
I'm a little worried...
about the smell emanating from the basement.
I'm a little worried...
about the noises emanating from anywhere on their bodies...including armpits. How do they do that?
I'm a little worried...
that they are going to change. Sooner than later they are going to leave me. I'm a little worried I am going to have a very clean, very quiet, very boring time without them.


Dana said...

Hilarious. Wish I could see the snow ramp. I wonder what I will be worried about living with a bunch of girls?

SladeMomma said...

You've got some good ones. I've noticed.

Total Organization said...

I grew up with a couple brothers. You really brought me back to the days when we all had to share a bathroom! Now that was a lesson in turning a blind eye!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Don't know how I found your blog, but this made me laugh and identify greatly having 2 sons myself.

Who is Hena Hasan? said...

This was pleasant and at the same time touching. =D Love it!